Chapter 1439 Fu*Ck Buddies: Pure Sex:>>Ep1
- Going Where No One has Gone Before
- A male virgin plumbs the depths of a sexually starved milf.
- was a pretty green 20-year-old who had just started his science degree at a university ten hours drive from his home town. Being on my own for the first time in my life was both exciting and daunting. A sheltered life is how many would have described my teenage years. A religiously conservative family had made my life very prescriptive. Here I was looking to spread my wings, so to speak, but outside of meeting a few other students in my dorm block, I knew no one in this city. So imagine my surprise when I bumped into an old family friend, Mrs Sinclair, as I walked down the main street of the CBD. The chances of bumping into someone you knew, in the downtown area of a city of over a million people, when you had only just moved there was extremely slim. I actually didn't know Mrs Sinclair that well, in that I had never really talked to her, but I must have attended dozens of gatherings, many church based, where she was also present. I knew she was a business woman of some sort and that she was quite well thought of within our church, but beyond that I was in the dark.